Industrial Symbiosis :
Innovative for
An Approach
Industrial symbiosis (IS) is a collaborative model in which the output of one industry is used as input material by another, and resources are utilized more efficiently. This approach promotes a circular economy in industrial processes by mimicking natural ecosystems.
Digital Platform
A symbiosis platform equipped with the latest technologies for your processes.
Learning Algorithms
With learning algorithms, custom resources for your needs are available on this platform.
All types of resources, capacities, and experts from production to consumption are available on this platform.
A vast ecosystem offering resources, waste, logistics, capacity, and expertise.
Why Should We Use This Platform?
Value Proposition: A Platform Developed for Industrial Symbiosis
Industrial symbiosis is considered a part of industrial ecology theory. This theory aims for industrial activities to function like natural ecosystems, meaning that waste and energy flows are continuously utilized within a cycle. Inter-industry collaboration provides various advantages in areas such as cost, time, energy efficiency, and water management, through the sharing of waste, resources, by-products, as well as capabilities like logistics capacity and expertise.
Industrial symbiosis platforms are digital networks created to optimize resource sharing between different industries and ensure the recovery of waste. The primary goal of these platforms is to revalue waste in line with the principles of circular economy, reduce business costs, and enhance environmental sustainability.
At the same time, these platforms promote the most efficient use of resources by offering users data analytics, matching algorithms, and collaboration opportunities.
Offering Your Expertise and Selling Consultancy Services on Industrial Symbiosis Platforms
In today’s digital age, industrial symbiosis platforms not only facilitate resource sharing and waste reuse but also create a marketplace
An Expert Pool is Being Created for Academics and Researchers within the Scope of the Project.
A call has been made to create an expert pool for academics and researchers within the scope of the Industrial
The Importance of the National Industrial Symbiosis Program in Turkey
The rapid industrialization and urbanization in Turkey have created various challenges in waste management and resou
Our Business Partners
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Announcements & Events
Proje Kapsamında Akademisyenlere Ve Araştırmacılara Yönelik Uzman Havuzu Oluşturuluyor
İzmir Kalkınma Ajansı (İZKA) ve Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı (UNDP) Türkiye tarafından yürütülen İzmir Bölgesinde Endüstriyel Simbiyoz Projesi kapsamında Araştırma ve Geliştirme (Ar-Ge) çalışmalarının desteklenmesi amacıyla akademisyenlere ve araştırmacılara yönelik
İzmir Endüstriyel Simbiyoz Eğitici Eğitimlerinin İkincisi Gerçekleşti
İzmir Bölgesinde Endüstriyel Simbiyoz Projesi kapsamında endüstriyel simbiyoz alanında geliştirilen iş birliklerinin kurumsal ve sistematik olarak işlemesine katkıda bulunabilecek; sahada kolaylaştırıcı rolü üstlenerek İzmir’e özgü bir yönetim modelinin geliştirilmesi sürecinde
İzmir Sektörel Sürdürülebilirlik ve Endüstriyel Simbiyoz Çalıştayı Gerçekleşti
İzmir Bölgesinde Endüstriyel Simbiyoz Projesinde kapsamında özel sektör ile üniversite iş birliklerinin desteklenmesi amacıyla 7 Şubat 2023 tarihinde, Sektörel Sürdürülebilirlik ve Endüstriyel Simbiyoz Çalıştayı düzenlendi. Çalıştay ile ülkemizde alüminyum sektörünün